Wir alle leben in einer sehr schnelllebigen Welt. Von einem Meeting zum anderen, ständig klingelt das Telefon, zwischendurch müssen Mails beantwortet werden und nebenbei fordern die Lieben daheim auch noch Aufmerksamkeit. Da kann die eigene Balance schon einmal aus dem Gleichgewicht kommen. Stress und Anspannung ist die Folge. Steuern Sie dem rechtzeitig entgegen! Lernen Sie Ihren Körper und Geist wieder in Einklang zu bringen und starten Sie ausgeglichen und voller Energie durch! Schauen Sie sich in aller Ruhe um und lernen Sie mein vielfältiges Angebot und die entspannte Umgebung meines Behandlungsraumes kennen!

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Wichtige Information

Leider führt Google immer noch eine falsche Adresse von uns.
Richtig muss es lauten:

Dagmar Ostendorf-Esser
Hayoweg 2b
26954 Nordenham (Ellwürden)

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Born from creativity,
Shaped our values.

Helix Ultimate is a 100% responsive mobile first Joomla template frontend visual layout builder and options framework.
Trust leads to trust
Trust leads to trust
Helix Ultimate framework packed with tons of exciting features that increase Joomla website development.
Impact is everything
Impact is everything
Helix Ultimate framework packed with tons of exciting features that increase Joomla website development.
One team, one goal
One team, one goal
Helix Ultimate framework packed with tons of exciting features that increase Joomla website development.

Supreme style for your business

Helix Ultimate is a 100% responsive mobile first Joomla template frontend visual layout builder and options framework.


Increase in performance


Increase in performance

Supreme style for your business connect from anywhere

Village did removed enjoyed explain nor ham saw calling talking. Securing as informed declared or margaret. Joy horrible moreover man feelings own shy. Request norland neither mistake for yet. Between the for morning assured country believe.
We are goal driven
We are goal driven
Autonomy to succeed
Autonomy to succeed
Authentic culture
Authentic culture
Design focused
Design focused

connect from anywhere

Helix Ultimate framework packed with tons of development dramatically. Helix Ultimate is a responsive mobile first Joomla template framework focused on frontend.


All images are for demonstration purpose only. You will get the demo images with the QuickStart pack.

Also, all the demo images are collected from Unsplash. If you want to use those, you may need to provide necessary credits. Please visit Unsplash for details.